This article is about things I learned about Apache Spark recently. I’ve been struggling with Spark tuning for more than one month, including shuffle tuning, GC time tuning and so on. Honestly speaking, Apache Spark is just like an untamed horse, it could be a beauty if you tune it well while a nightmare if not. So let me show you some tips I’ve learned from my work. This article is part 1 and here we go.

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Hi, all, 最近一直在研究spark tuning方面的问题,深感这是一个经验活,也是一个技术活,查阅和很多资料,在这里mark一下。

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Hi, all. 最近开始休假了,可以有空继续自己的学习,一方面补一补前面的作业,一方面继续自己的学习,今天我们来到了course4,也就是convolutional neural networks 的内容。我们一起来看看!

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